Wednesday 18 May 2016

Unit 30 Digital Graphics

In this design unit I had to create a professional logo and poster that advertised a product of my choice. Before these were made official, I had to make various sketches to plan what they will look like. To make these, i used Adobe Fireworks which i had never used before. By doing the project on this unfamiliar program, i was able to improve my graphical designing skills through learning by trial and error. There were also guides that i was able to follow to make the designing process slightly easier.

Adobe Fireworks
Adobe Fireworks was the choice of software for creating the logo and poster. I had never used Fireworks in the past so this came as a challenge to me. The tools were fairly straight forward and very self explanatory. In the past i had used a little bit of Photoshop therefore i had a basic understanding of what most of the tools did. The only issue that i ran into was where everything was. Although i had a basic understanding of the program, there were still videos and other support methods that i used to guide the through the designing process. I specifically used this support for the more advanced skills such as masking a photo and changing the colour balance. These videos helped me a lot and left me with a better understanding of the software and how to complete advanced techniques.

Reflective Practice and Working With Others
After the logo and poster was complete, we got into groups to discuss the good points about our creations and the areas where things could be improved on. This process was very helpful and outlined the improvements that could be made to the final products. By doing this, the quality of the logo and poster could be made better by simply changing some colours, or adding a border to the poster. It also improves reflective practice so that you can gain ideas on how your work can always be worked on and made better.

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