Thursday 3 December 2015

Installing Software

Installing Software

After the software install, I learnt a new skill which was how to install a new Operating System onto a computer. The install was fairly simple and straight forward. Before hand, I had never done a full operating system install before but I felt that I knew how to do it as i started. I felt confident and enjoyed doing this task. I worked well with my peer and we equally shared the tasks.

Friday 13 November 2015

Installing Hardware

Installing Hardware

Before the installation, I knew quite a lot about computers and installing components. Although i had never done it before i learnt through YouTube videos on how to assemble a PC and where the parts go.

Overall i felt confident when installing the components as i knew already how to install them. I had watched quite a lot of videos before hand on how to build your own PC.

This task was fairly enjoyable as it made a change rather than writing up reports and documents.

From this task i learnt how to install a graphics card and a hard drive into a PC.

I worked well with my peer when completing this task. We helped each other if there was an issue also.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Meeting Deadlines

Meeting Deadlines

I feel that from the recent deadlines that have been set, I believe that I am fairly good at doing my work on time. For example, the recent deadlines, I have made and have handed in the work on time. I have been determined for the past week to finish the work on time or even a couple of days before the due date. This is so that i am able to start the next assignment and get it out the way. My punctuality and attendance has been perfect and i hope for it to remain that way.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Reviewing my progress and skills

Generally I reflect on my progress quite often.

After a recent success or failure, I tend to reflect on my actions and review on what I have done correctly or very wrong. I am fairly happy on how I review events as I do not dwell on them for long and move on within a short time.

I use failures as motivation to succeed in the next instance and I usually reflect on my mistakes and correct them for the next time. 

I would amend my skill to reflect on events by taking more attention to detail whilst I'm doing thing just in case it goes wrong therefore I can correct my mistake better and minimize risk of failing again.

Why I came to Palmers

I came to Palmers College because the equipment, staff and facilities were substantially better than others. Although the college was a fair distance from where I live, I felt that it was worth the extra travel everyday to know that I would be getting the best education in a place I felt happy at.

I hope to succeed in my BTEC IT course and achieve a distinction star in it. The is an ambitious target but I believe it is possible due to the sophisticated equipment and the excellent support provided by staff.